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Annette Frei Berthoud

Historian, Film Producer and Author


Documentaries on aspects of society, culture and lifestyle.
Books on historical and culinary topics.

She studied history and ethnology at the University of Zurich. Her dissertation "Red Patriarchs" was the first of several books and studies on the history of Swiss women. As an ethnologist, she researched in Crete and lived there with a shepherd family. Years later she returned to the island to make a film about the origins of matriarchy. Curiosity and interest in people, stories and cultures led her to documentary filmmaking. Around a hundred films for NZZ Format, the television programme of the "Neue Zürcher Zeitung", but also for Swiss television are the result of a passion that has taken her all over the world and continues to drive her even after many years.

I tell stories. I let people have their say who achieve great things or work quietly, who develop creative ideas and are passionate about something. I don't shy away from taboo subjects, but I always show the positive, the innovative and the beauty of this world.



The New Film

Fritz Hug – Das Tier wie ich es sehe

Once every child in Switzerland knew Fritz Hug's animal paintings. Few, however, know that Fritz Hug not only painted masterful portraits of animals, but also people and landscapes that show him to be a great artist. It is time to rediscover Fritz Hug.

La Sardegna – Isola dei centenari (2010)

Aus dem Archiv

In Sardegna ci sono più persone che altrove che vivono per avere più di cento anni e rimanere in salute. Qual è il segreto di questa lunga vita? Giovanni Vacca ha da poco compiuto cento anni e sta ancora scherzando. Mariantonia Loddo, 103 anni, è orgogliosa delle sue belle mani e canta della gioventù che passa così velocemente. Rosa Frau ha addirittura 108 anni. Ogni giorno monta le cuffie e ascolta Radio Maria. In Sardegna c’è un numero di centenari superiore alla media, non solo donne ma anche uomini. Il fenomeno della longevità è oggetto di studio da parte di un team di ricercatori. Si tratta di genetica? La dieta? Ormai il segreto sembra essere stato risolto. Con la partecipazione dei migliori interpreti della musica sarda e dell’autrice più venduta Michela Murgia.


Contact me I am happy to advise you on productions or requests for documentaries.

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